Theme: Leveraging Public-Private Partnerships: A Key to Overcoming Procurement Challenges in Interventional Radiology in Nigeria
DATE:*Saturday, 21st of September, 2024*
VENUE: Hybrid (Abuja & Via Zoom)
You are hereby invited to submit abstracts (in form of case reports, case series, local experiences and reviews) for presentation at the upcoming 7th NiSIR scientific conference held on the *21st of September, 2024* .
Presentation Formats
Abstracts can be submitted for an Oral PowerPoint.
1. Guidelines
a. Abstracts must be original and have not been previously accepted/published in a peer-reviewed journal or presented at a previous conference(s).
b. Submissions should be relevant to Interventional Radiology.
c. High-quality abstracts that are not covered by the theme or one of the sub-themes might be considered on their own merit as part of ‘free communications’.
d. All abstracts must be submitted online
e. All submissions shall indicate the lead author and presenter.
f. Submission deadline is *August 19th, 2024*
g. Notification of successful submission of abstract will be sent by email.
h. All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and an Acceptance Notification will be sent to the presenting author by email.
2. Abstract Format
a. Language: All submissions and presentations should be in English.
b. Title: This should be brief as possible and typed in sentence case (all letters in lowercase except the first letter of the first word of the title) e.g. Clinical outcomes for abdominal hysterectomy in a hospital setting (no full stop/ period after the title).
c. Authors: The presenting author should be listed first and up to five more authors can be included for a case and technical reports only. There is no limit to the number of authors for full-length research papers.
d. The affiliation details of all authors (department, institution/hospital, city/town, state (if relevant) and country should be included with the submission.
3. Abbreviations
a. Use standard abbreviations.
b. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the first time the full word appears.
c. Use numerals to indicate numbers, except when beginning sentences.
4. Abstract Character Limit
a. Abstract Title word count limit: 20
b. Abstract Body word count limit: 250
c. Abstracts exceeding the character limit will be considered “incomplete”.
d. Abstracts marked “incomplete” at the close of the submission deadline will be ineligible for consideration.
5. Abstract Title
a. Take special care when entering your title as it may be published exactly as submitted.
b. Titles should be brief, clearly indicating the nature of the presentation.
6. Authorship Criteria
a. Substantial contributions to study conception and design.
b. Substantial contributions to acquisition of data.
c. Substantial contributions to analysis and interpretation of data.
d. Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
e. Final approval of the version of the article to be published.
f. Other critical study activities (specify).
g. There is no limit on the number of authors that may be included in the author block (refer to 2c above).
7. Content
a. Do not use new technical words, laboratory slang, words not defined in dictionaries, or abbreviations or terminology not consistent with internationally accepted guidelines.
b. Define any abbreviations the first time they are used.
c. Refer to the unified list of acronyms for recommendations on acceptable terms for scientific communication.
d. Case reports and case series should be structured as follows: background, case report and learning points.
e. Organize content as follows:
I. Background: Background.
II. Objectives: Statement of Purpose.
III. Methods: Methods, materials and analytical procedure used.
IV. Results: Summary of the results in sufficient detail to support the conclusion.
V. Conclusion: Conclusions reached
8. Disclosure Policy
The scientific sub-committee will ensure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all its educational activities. To this end, the organizing committee requires that individuals (presenters/speakers, moderators, reviewers, authors and planners and their spouse/partners) disclose to the scientific sub-committee any conflict of interest.
9. Presentation Formats
a. Abstracts are considered for oral presentation only.
b. As English is the designated language for the meeting, the presenting author is required to speak English when presenting.
10. Review Process
a. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and evaluated in terms of their appropriateness and their overall quality.
b. Abstracts will be assessed on their acceptability and eligibility as oral or poster presentations in a constructive and educational way.
c. All inquiries regarding abstracts should be directed to Dr Peter Adenigba, Secretary, Local Organizing Committee at:
adenigbataiwo@gmail.com or via WhatsApp at +234 803 074 4426.