PROGRAM OUTLINE 9:00 am- 9: 05 am Moderator’s opening remarks, Dr Yusuf 9:05 am-9:10 am Welcome Address by the NiSIR president, Dr Anas Ismail SCIENTIFIC SESSION & KEYNOTE LECTURE: Chair: Prof Ahmed Ahidjo Co Chair: Dr Ifeanyi Ukackhukuw/Dr Ademola...
NiSIR IT team is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Title: Prostatic IR - Catheters, Wires, Arterial Course & Interventions. Presenter: Dr Rotimi Johnson Date: Saturday, *February 24th 2024* Time: 5pm, Nigerian Time Join Zoom...
Theme: Leveraging Public-Private Partnerships: A Key to Overcoming Procurement Challenges in Interventional Radiology in Nigeria DATE:*Saturday, 21st of September, 2024* VENUE: Hybrid (Abuja & Via Zoom) CALL FOR ABSTRACTS You are hereby invited to submit abstracts (in form of...